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Wortmann, MD Velia

Velia Wortman MD, praktische Ärztin in Nürnberg.
Studium der Anthropologie (Toronto) und Humanmedizin
(London). Sie lernte die chinesische Medizin u. a. bei
Ted Kaptchuk, Dan Bensky, Shou-chun Ma und Volker
Scheid. Ihr besonderes Interesse und der Schwerpunkt
ihrer langjährigen Tätigkeit in eigener Praxis liegen in der
Behandlung von allgemeinärztlichen Diagnosen mit chinesischen
Heilkräutern und Akupunktur.

Konstitutionelle Therapie und abdominelle Diagnose

Kongress: SMS-Kongress 2014 - Chinesische Medizin im klinischen Alltag – Grundlagen, Anwendung & Wissenschaft
180 min, deutsch
Inhalt / abstract
Im Workshop zusammen mit Velia Wortman MD werden das Erkennen
von konstitutionellen Merkmalen nach Kriterien von Dan Bensky und
Huang Huang sowie die Befundermittlung innerhalb der Abdominaldiagnose
vertieft, um ausgesuchte Rezepturen aus den klassischen Werken
erfolgreich einzusetzen. Dieser Workshop ist sowohl für Einsteiger in diese
Spezialdisziplin der Chinesischen Medizin als auch für die Teilnehmer der
Vorkurse ausgerichtet.
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Shanghanlun: 6 wichtige Basisrezepturen, ihr Aufbau und Verwendung

Kongress: SMS-Kongress 2011 - Chinesische Medizin im Alltag
90 min, deutsch
Über den Shop bestellen / order now:1 DVD  21,00 €

TCM Wissenschaftstag, englisch

Kongress: TCM Kongress 2009 - 40.Internationaler
360 min
Inhalt / abstract
The future of traditional Chinese medicine both in the western
world and in China depends, for socio-cultural and political rea-
sons, increasingly on a scientific evaluation of the techniques used
to treat patients. Despite a plethora of studies, many practitioners
and potential researchers remained puzzled and confused by the
unclear results that the studies have sometimes generated.
Because of the ever-increasing interest and demand over the
past years, for the first time in the congress’ history, the tcm
and Science Session will take place over an entire day. Subtitled
“ Authentic practice and the developing evidence mosaic” the day
will be an ongoing dialogue among the invited speakers and with
active audience participation and input.
Designed and moderated by the British researcher and teacher
Hugh MacPherson and the Mexican physician Velia Wortman, this
day will be a unique opportunity not only to hear about the latest
developments in tcm research from an anthropological, historical,
clinical and basic research points of view, but also to engage in
conversation with leading exponents from Germany and across
Über den Shop bestellen / order now:5 CDs  37,00 €

Plenum, deutsch

Kongress: TCM Kongress 2009 - 40.Internationaler
180 min
Inhalt / abstract
By treating the weakest link in the Elemental chain, the practitioner achieves a deeper and more lasting change. Treating this constitutional imbalance also forms an important part of any treatment designed to improve symptoms and/or a patient’s overall well being.
The constitutional imbalance is diagnosed by colour on the face, sound in the voice, the patient’s body odour and the most-out-of-balance-emotion. The emotional imbalance is the most revealing of all of these. Each Element produces a wide range of related emotions. For example, anger is the emotion associated with Wood, but an imbalanced Wood can produce depression, mild frustration, anger and ballistic rage – with many variations.
Simple observation, whilst sometimes successful, is rarely sufficient to determine the emotional imbalance. J.R. Worsley developed the process he called ‘emotion testing’ which produces what simple observation alone cannot achieve.
John will show you:
• Through demonstration and lecture, how to develop an ‘emotion-testing’ strategy,
• By using videos of patients, how to see the difference between a normal and an abnormal response, and
• Through exercises and practise, how to develop the required skills.
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