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TCM Kongress 2009 - 40.Internationaler

Der Wandel des Jingshen in der Chinesischen Medizin

Das immerwährende Leitprinzip des Rothenburger Kongresses
ist Wissen und Menschlichkeit. Bei allem Anspruch in Ausbildung
und Praxis, bei aller Tiefe der Kenntnis, bei aller Diffenziertheit
des Verständnisses der Chinesischen Medizin sind die Gesprächs-
bereitschaft ...   [mehr]
Das immerwährende Leitprinzip des Rothenburger Kongresses
ist Wissen und Menschlichkeit. Bei allem Anspruch in Ausbildung
und Praxis, bei aller Tiefe der Kenntnis, bei aller Diffenziertheit
des Verständnisses der Chinesischen Medizin sind die Gesprächs-
bereitschaft und gegenseitige Wertschätzung der unterschiedlichen
Schulen, Standpunkte und Ansätze untereinander lebendig. Es ist
das Forum, wo Heiler/innen mit Medizinern/Medizinerinnen, wo
Geschichts-, Sprach- und Naturwissenschaftler/innen mit Prakti-
kern/Praktikerinnen, Funktionäre/Funktionärinnen mit Anwendern/
Anwenderinnen, wo Erfahrene mit Dozent/inn/en mit Anfängern/
Anfängerinnen sprechen, voneinander lernen und voneinander
inspiriert werden. Eine Stärke der Chinesischen Medizin ist ihre
Vielfalt, und diese finden wir in den Rothenburg Tagen wieder.


Infertilitätstag, Chinesische Medizin und die Vielfalt ihrer Möglichkeiten in der Kinderwunschbehandlung

360 min
Inhalt / abstract
Erstmalig wurde 2008 im Vorfeld des TCM-Kongresses in Rothenburg ein Tag zur Infertilität, aus der Perspektive der Chinesischen Medizin veranstaltet. In mehreren hochwertigen Vorträgen wurde unter dem Motto „Die Zukunft der Geschichte“ ein Bogen zwischen den klassischen Wurzeln der Infertilitätsbehandlung bei Frauen bis hin zu den modernen künstlichen Befruchtungstechniken gespannt und wie sie mit der Chinesischen Medizin sinnvoll unterstützt werden können.
Das große Interesse der Zuhörer ermutigt uns nun zu einem weiteren Infertilitätstag, der zum Einen wiederum wissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis miteinander verknüpft, zum Anderen weitere Möglichkeiten der Chinesischen Medizin aufzeigt, Paare mit einem unerfülltem Kinderwunsch in der Praxis kompetent zu begleiten.
Unter dem diesjährigen Motto „Chinesische Medizin und die Vielfalt ihrer Möglichkeiten in der Kinderwunschbehandlung" konnten wir, wie bereits im Vorjahr, ausgewiesene Referenten gewinnen, diesmal aus D, GB und den USA. Der Tag wird zweisprachig veranstaltet, wobei die einzelnen Beiträge nicht übersetzt werden.
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Gua sha, a Traditional Technique for Modern Integrative Practice, engl.

360 min
Inhalt / abstract
transformative results produced immediately within a session that allows a provider to make a more accurate assessment of the depth and direction of a disorder. Gua sha moves blood stasis and thus immediately reduces pain and stiffness, acts as a bronchodilator for asthma and cough, reduces fever and piques an immune response in acute disorders. Gua sha can correct significant features of the Tongue altering the diagnostic field and possible herbal response.
The morning session will teach the foundations of Gua sha and the afternoon session will consider its clinical applications and include a discussion of the research on its physiology as well as evidence and interpretation of Tongue changes as a direct result of Gua sha.
This workshop provides a hands-on experience both learning Gua sha and how to interpret the results with Dr. Arya Nielsen, Master practitioner of over 30 years experience. Participants can use this technique immediately in their practice with excellent results.
Über den Shop bestellen / order now:4 CDs  30,00 €

Die Muster des Lebens im Strichcode des Yijing

360 min
Inhalt / abstract
Metaphysik, innere Strukturen, innere und äußere Muster, themenbezogene Tiefenanalysen
Die Energetik des lebendigen Systems ist ein vielschichtig ineinandergreifendes, individuell organisiertes Muster an fließender Kraft, auf dessen Basis sich die Symptome der Lebenswelt folgerichtig herausbilden. Das Stichwort aller Erkenntnis und Diagnostik ist „Wandlung“, denn Wandlung ist das Offenbarwerden dessen, was im Keim oder „der Lebens-Essenz“ verankert ist. Durch die Anbindung von Organ/Meridian-Prinzip und psychischen, emotionalen und sozialen Charaktermustern – der individuelle Bewegungsausdruck von Bewusstsein – an die Wandlungsstruktur von Trigramm und Hexagramm ergibt sich ein hologetisches Diagnosesystem von unglaublicher Tiefe und Präzision.
Himmel (Fülle), Erde (Leere), Donner, Wind, Feuer, Wasser, See und Berg; Trigramm, Hexagramm und Wandlung: „Das I Ging (Yijing) spricht die Sprache der Lebenselemente und Bewegungsabläufe und damit der Bilder des Menschseins auf allen Ebenen“.
Das Ziel dieses Kurzworkshops ist es, das Prinzip eines jeglichen „Symptoms“ als eine, sich in konsequenten Stufen der Wandlung vollziehende, Bewegung der Geistnatur, von der Wurzel bis zum manifesten Ereignis aufzuzeigen. „Das individuelle Wesen ist das Ergebnis des Ablaufs der in der Essenz vorgegebenen Entwicklungsspirale“.
Zentrum der Ausführungen wird das spezifische Analyseprinzip der von René van Osten entwickelten „Hologetik®“ und der damit verbundene Lingua/Hex-Code© – die Notation der Trigramme und Hexagramme auf mehrdimensionaler Ebene – sein. Ein wahrhaft genialer Weg der Durchdringung unserer Lebensstrukturen durch das Werkzeug des I Ging (Yijing).
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A Hands-On Introductory Workshop on Japanese Meridian Therapy - Gentle Treatment to Regulate the Patient’s Qi, englisch

360 min
Inhalt / abstract
The lecturer has been practicing Keiraku Chiryo or Japanese Meridian Therapy for over 20 years and is one Europe’s leading instructors in Meridian Therapy. Japanese Meridian Therapy is a very simple yet sophisticated and gentle method for regulating the qi of the patient. This is achieved by targeting correction of qi flow in the twelve channels thus triggering regulatory influences on the internal physiological functional systems. Very delicate and gentle needling methods are used to accomplish this.
The workshop will briefly review the origins, theories and nature of Japanese Meridian Therapy and teach the core aspects of diagnosis and treatment: diagnosis of the radial arteries (pulses) and the abdominal region, identifying the main treatment targets - the primary patterns (or sho), application of tonification/supplementation technique (hoho) and draining technique (shaho). After each short lecture there will be demonstrations and practice. The lecturer will circulate among participants to assist in the application and learning of the techniques so that techniques can be learned practically.
The workshop will introduce participants to this increasingly popular acupuncture treatment approach, which is currently taught in workshops and programs in three of the AGTCM schools in Germany and in various locations in Switzerland, Holland, Spain and the UK.
The lecture will be in English-
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Der Weg zum Herzen und der Weg des Herzens

360 min
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Diätetik, Kraftsuppen in Theorie und Praxis

360 min
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360 min
Inhalt / abstract
TCM Kongress: gestern, heute und morgen: Laudatio auf eine Institution!
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The three treasures seen from the face, engl.

360 min
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Das gesamte Spektrum des Leitbahnsystems ausschöpfen – ein integriertes Akupunkturmodell zur konstitutionellen Behandlung

360 min
Inhalt / abstract
Das gesamte Spektrum der Akupunktur ausschöpfen bedeutet, nicht nur alle Leitbahnsysteme anzuwenden, sondern auch die Behandlung auf 3 Ebenen durchzuführen, die klassisch als Himmel/Schen, Erde/Dsching und Mensch/Chi beschrieben sind (die 3 Kräfte bzw. 3 Schätze).
Behandlung der Himmelsebene:
• Begriffsklärung Konstitution
• Anwendung des 5 Wandlungsphasen-Modells auf die Wandlung unterdrückter und auf die Kontrolle übermässiger Emotionen
• Verzerrte Emotion zu ihrem natürlichen Ausdruck zurückführen
• Akupunkturpunkte als Symbole der Wandlung
• Die Kunst der Interaktion, damit Schen und Chi in die gleiche Richtung gehen.
Behandlung der mittleren Mensch-/Chi-Ebene:
Leitbahn statt Zang-Fu-Diagnostik / die Steuergesetze der Akupunktur: die Software des Leitbahnsystems: 5 Wandlungsphasen Dynamik, 6 Verbindungen, Mittag-Mitternacht Beziehungen usw. als Behandlungsachsen wie Übertragungswege von Pathologie.
Behandlung der Erd-/Körper-Ebene:
• Die Leitbahnsysteme der tendinomuskulären Meridiane (Charakterpanzer) und der divergenten Leitbahnen (organische Erkrankungen) mit eigener Pathologie und spezifischen Behandlungstechniken.
• Der Antagonismus von Chi und Blut: Blut bewegende und Blut aufbauende Techniken bei chronischen Erkrankungen.
• Die außerordentlichen Gefäße als Repräsentanten der vorgeburtlichen Körper-Geist Einheit umfassen alle 3 Ebenen und dienen als Matrix des Unversehrt-Seins bei schweren Traumen bzw. als Rückbezug auf die inneren Vorgaben des Essenzwandels in Übergangsphasen.
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Chinesische Einsichten zur Behandlung von Autoimmunerkrankungen, deutsch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
Chinese medicine is a healing modality where clinical effects are directly tied to the ability to make an accurate diagnosis. For modern practitioners of TCM, it is often difficult to translate modern disease names into a classical treatment approach. This is particularly true in the case of auto-immune disorders, which can manifest in myriad and confusing ways.
Prof. Frühauf will share his insights into the energetic genesis of auto-immune disorders from a Chinese perspective, as well as offer practical advice for treatment protocols
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Die Schlüsselrolle der Emotionen in der Chinesichen Medizin

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
Prof. Liu has been instrumental in recent years in preserving valuable clinical aspects of Chinese medicine that are gradually getting forgotten due to the standardization efforts of institutionalized TCM. One of his outstanding achievements is the discovery of a thriving system of 5-Element therapy that is purely based on rectifying negative emotions, practiced by storytellers in Northern China, yet suppressed and unacknowledged by the state-run TCM system. In this seminar, one of China´s major proponents of energetic healing will present his personal impressions and clinical experience with “Five Virtue Healing”.
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The Pivotal Role of Blood Stasis in the Analysis and Treatment of Autoimmunity, engl. deutsch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
Autoimmune disorders are characterized by chronic inflammation of various tissues, increased stickiness of erythrocytes and platelets, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and vasculitis. These give rise to signs and symptoms that may be diagnosed as blood stasis according to Chinese medicine. Blood stasis is almost always found in autoimmune conditions, usually as a complication of the primary pathology, which is heat. In many cases the blood stasis is mild, lacking the classical features and thus easily missed. In my experience it is essential to detect and treat it, as even mild stasis has the ability to block the effects of any other primary treatment. Mild stasis can be detected by observation of subtle signs and physical examination.
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Was der/die ganzheitlich orientierte Zahnarzt/Zahnärztin...

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
Die ganzheitliche ZahnMedizin beschäftigt sich mit Zusammenhängen im gesamten Körper.
„Wir verstehen die ganzheitliche Zahnheilkunde als eine Ergänzung / Erweiterung der schulzahnmedizinischen, kausystemorientierten Sicht- und Denkweise durch eine konsequente Berücksichtigung systemischer Vernetzungen und Wechselwirkungen der schulzahnmedizinischen Diagnose- und Therapiekonzepte durch komplementäre Diagnose- und Behandlungsverfahren. Aus dem Wissen, dass Störungen an Zähnen und Kiefer zu erheblichen gesundheitlichen Belastungen in ganz anderen Teilen des Körpers führen können, haben sich in der GZM ganzheitlich arbeitende Therapeuten zusammengeschlossen.
Viele unserer Mitglieder wenden dabei auch komplementäre Diagnose- und Behandlungsverfahren aus der Naturheilkunde an. Unser Ziel ist es, die Gesamtgesundheit der Patienten über die Zahngesundheit zu verbessern. (Zitat: Internetseite der GZM)
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Akupunkturtechniken aus dem Schatz einer jahrhundertealten..

180 min
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Workshop Japanische Akupunktur – die funktionelle Leitbahndiagnostik/der Meridiantest (nach Mukaino/Kölblinger, 1995)

180 min
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Den Geist diagnostizieren und behandeln, engl. deutsch

180 min
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Ancient Yijing Science as Macrocosmic Map for Chinese Medicine, englisch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
The Energetics of the 12 Lunar Months and the Medically Relevant Symbolism of the So-Called 72 Seasonal Manifestations
Many great Chinese medicine physicians, including Sun Simiao and Zhang Jingyue, emphasized that “one must first understand the scientific precepts laid out in the Yijing before venturing to study medicine“. For the ancient Chinese, who created the theoretical foundations of Chinese Medicine, the Yijing provided an overarching codex of symbols that could be used for both macrocosm (the stars, the seasons) and microcosm (the earth, the body).
Prof. Frühauf will present his research into a yet unexplored aspect of Yijing science, the so-called 72 seasonal manifestations (Wuhou) ant heir relevance for our understanding of the 12 organ systems of Chinese medicine.
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Japanische Akupunktur und Moxaanwendunge, englisch

360 min
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Daoyin Baojian Gong, englsich

360 min
Inhalt / abstract
Daoyin Baojian Gong (Daoyin Exercise for Keeping Fit) is part of the health system of Daoyin Yangsheng Gong created by Professor Zhang Guangde at the Beijing Sports University and now centred at the Daoyin Yangsheng Centre at that university.
It consists of eight elegant exercises crafted in such a way as to begin with easy movements, build to more challenging postures, and then calm the mind and body down to finish. Each one of the eight exercises is complete in itself and has its own health benefit, while combined they create a graceful, flowing health exercise.
The characteristic features and main points of Daoyin Baojian Gong are:
• combining thought with physical postures, stressing thought;
• co-ordinating movements with breathing, stressing breathing;
• guiding movements along the channels, paying special attention to rotation of arms;
• keeping relaxed throughout the exercise though combined with some stretched movements;
• keeping the whole body in motion with slow and soft actions.
Daoyin Baojian Gong is normally one of the first routines to be studied in the Daoyin Yangsheng Gong system.
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Rezeption Ost-West, Transformations-Alchemie - 2

360 min
Inhalt / abstract
Beständigkeit-Vergänglichkeit-Transformation: Innere Alchemie
Wir schätzen und bewahren das Alte, die Traditionen. Ist es legitim,
auch immer nach dem Neuen streben? Ist das Alte von sich aus
wertvoll? Warum schätzen wir heutzutage alte, unlackierte, wurm-
zerfressene Möbel? Warum lieben wir das Alte in den Klassikern
und in der chinesischen Medizin? Warum haben die Chines/inn/
en andererseits so wenige (moralische) Probleme damit, alte
Originale nachzumachen? In der daoistischen Alchemie geht es
um die Transformation von Jing zu Shen als die Inkorporation des
Wandlungsprinzips, des ewigen Flusses des Qi, des Entstehens,
Vergehens und des Transzendierens der eigenen Beschränkungen.
Im Laufe der Zeit wurden vielfältige Konzepte für diese alchemisti-
sche Wandlung und das Erlangen der Langlebigkeit entwickelt. Sie
stießen auf begeisterte Anhänger/innen ebenso wie auf skeptische
Kritiker/innen, im Osten wie im Westen heutzutage: Welche Lehr-
meinungen gab es in den letzten 2000 Jahren? Wie behauptete der
Daoismus sich gegen den Konfuzianismus? Welche Konzepte gab
es gerade für Frauen?
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Der Einsatz der Neun-Palast-Methode in der Bauchakupunktur

360 min
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Emotion Testing & the Constitutional Imbalance, englisch

360 min
Inhalt / abstract
By treating the weakest link in the Elemental chain, the practitioner achieves a deeper and more lasting change. Treating this constitutional imbalance also forms an important part of any treatment designed to improve symptoms and/or a patient’s overall well being.
The constitutional imbalance is diagnosed by colour on the face, sound in the voice, the patient’s body odour and the most-out-of-balance-emotion. The emotional imbalance is the most revealing of all of these. Each Element produces a wide range of related emotions. For example, anger is the emotion associated with Wood, but an imbalanced Wood can produce depression, mild frustration, anger and ballistic rage – with many variations.
Simple observation, whilst sometimes successful, is rarely sufficient to determine the emotional imbalance. J.R. Worsley developed the process he called ‘emotion testing’ which produces what simple observation alone cannot achieve.
John will show you:
• Through demonstration and lecture, how to develop an ‘emotion-testing’ strategy,
• By using videos of patients, how to see the difference between a normal and an abnormal response, and
• Through exercises and practise, how to develop the required skills.
Über den Shop bestellen / order now:4 CDs  26,00 €

TCM Wissenschaftstag, englisch

360 min
Inhalt / abstract
The future of traditional Chinese medicine both in the western
world and in China depends, for socio-cultural and political rea-
sons, increasingly on a scientific evaluation of the techniques used
to treat patients. Despite a plethora of studies, many practitioners
and potential researchers remained puzzled and confused by the
unclear results that the studies have sometimes generated.
Because of the ever-increasing interest and demand over the
past years, for the first time in the congress’ history, the tcm
and Science Session will take place over an entire day. Subtitled
“ Authentic practice and the developing evidence mosaic” the day
will be an ongoing dialogue among the invited speakers and with
active audience participation and input.
Designed and moderated by the British researcher and teacher
Hugh MacPherson and the Mexican physician Velia Wortman, this
day will be a unique opportunity not only to hear about the latest
developments in tcm research from an anthropological, historical,
clinical and basic research points of view, but also to engage in
conversation with leading exponents from Germany and across
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Plenum, deutsch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
By treating the weakest link in the Elemental chain, the practitioner achieves a deeper and more lasting change. Treating this constitutional imbalance also forms an important part of any treatment designed to improve symptoms and/or a patient’s overall well being.
The constitutional imbalance is diagnosed by colour on the face, sound in the voice, the patient’s body odour and the most-out-of-balance-emotion. The emotional imbalance is the most revealing of all of these. Each Element produces a wide range of related emotions. For example, anger is the emotion associated with Wood, but an imbalanced Wood can produce depression, mild frustration, anger and ballistic rage – with many variations.
Simple observation, whilst sometimes successful, is rarely sufficient to determine the emotional imbalance. J.R. Worsley developed the process he called ‘emotion testing’ which produces what simple observation alone cannot achieve.
John will show you:
• Through demonstration and lecture, how to develop an ‘emotion-testing’ strategy,
• By using videos of patients, how to see the difference between a normal and an abnormal response, and
• Through exercises and practise, how to develop the required skills.
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Das Hu Huo-Syndrom, englisch / deutsch

180 min
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Clin. use of Extra Meridians in the treatment of autoimmune, englisch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
"There are 360 points of Acupuncture in the body. 66 points on the limbs are most important. Of these – 8 points are supreme above all"
Nei Jing, Ling Shu ch. 1
The Human body consists of 12 main meridians and 15 connecting meridians through which the Qi and Blood flow throughout life.
But, beneath the surface, in all of us, flow the Qi Jing Ba Mai, The Eight "Extraordinary" Meridians, which constitute that most elusive source of life itself: the constant interaction of Shen and Jing - from the moment of conception until the last breath of life.
The Extraordinary Meridians control the creation of life from the meeting of sperm and egg, throughout the 9 months of pregnancy until birth;
They regulate physical, mental and spiritual growth, known as the 7/8 year phases of Women and Men, during life;
But, most important in the realm of disease, the Extraordinary Meridians protect the body during times of abrupt and unforeseen changes, or illnesses, that cannot be dealt with through the main Meridian network, as is written in the Nan Jing ch. 27:
"The sages of antiquity constructed ditches and reservoirs and they kept the waterways open in order to be prepared for any extraordinary situation. When rains poured down from heaven, the ditches and the reservoirs became filled. In times like that, when the rain floods rushed wildly, even the sages could not make plans again. Hence, they had to be prepared in advance…
Here (in the Human body), when the network vessels (the Main and Connecting Meridians) are filled to overflowing, the surplus Qi is diverted to the Extraordinary Meridians… Thus the person is saved from certain death."
The person can, indeed, be saved from "certain death", but at the cost of creating deep and chronic imbalance in his or her basic energetic structure. In this paragraph the Nan Jing is actually describing the pathogenesis that creates auto-immune diseases and chronic hormonal imbalances- diseases that occur when the body cannot deal with unforeseen conditions and the only way to survive is to divert the disease to this deep/ inner level which is the level of the extraordinary meridians.
In this upcoming seminar we will be exploring the Qi Jing Ba Mai and the treatment of "difficult" diseases- known as auto-immune syndromes.
The seminar will include specific body and pulse diagnosis techniques which are unique to the Eight Extraordinary Meridians and clinical examples for the use of specific treatment protocols.
This seminar is intended for experienced practitioners of Chinese Medicine with a basic, working knowledge, of the Extra Meridians and is not recommended for students.
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Rhythms of Qi, The Textures and Transformations of Five Element Acupuncture, englisch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
Amidst the vast diversity and rich history of acupuncture styles and lineages, schools of practice have evolved and changed, adapted to times and places, blended with other medical traditions and philosophical insights. In this, development of tradition, debates about clinical protocols and practice can sometimes detract from the originating motivation of their wisdom and insights.
For acupuncture styles which claim traditional lineages, the Chinese medical classics are a cornerstone of both theory and practice, constantly finding context in new times and places. But it is the wisdom of universal transformations contained in such classics that is the lifeblood of acupuncture practice, the warp and weft of the meridians and how a simple needle can intervene in the complexity of human life.
In this presentation, Paul Hougham will profile an approach to acupuncture practice that finds the pluralism and complexity of its history not only non-problematic, but the lifeblood of its clinical relevance. Through an exploration of the five elements as rhythm, texture and transformation, Paul will explore clinical practice as the finding of such rhythm for our patients, a restoration of their movement towards health, however that may manifest. This will track how the five elements are our interface with the natural world, how effective treatment can become a landscaping of the qi, where point combinations, using the spirits of the points, can bring the elements of the patient into a greater balance and relationship, always unique to the patient, to the time and the place of the treatment. Sculpting the elements in this way is the basis of alleviating pain and treating the symptoms of ill-health as much as it is supporting the patient’s dialogue with their destiny.
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Chinesische Einsichten zur Behandlung von Krebs, deutsch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
Chinese medicine is a healing modality where clinical effects are directly tied to the ability to make an accurate diagnosis. For modern practitioners of TCM, it is often difficult to translate modern disease names into a classical treatment approach. This is particularly true in the case of auto-immune disorders, which can manifest in myriad and confusing ways.
Prof. Frühauf will share his insights into the energetic genesis of auto-immune disorders from a Chinese perspective, as well as offer practical advice for treatment protocols
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Abdominal Web, Physical and energ. diagnosis of navel and abdomen - Part 1, englisch / deutsch

180 min, eng/deu
Inhalt / abstract
Masseurs, while needing to be aware of the energetics in the abdomen, require knowledge of the physical structures of the abdomen and the implications, if any, of blockages, knots and tangles, adhesions, and distortions.
The abdominal information is first offered to the therapist visually by the placement of the navel, its shape, size, twists and turns. This navel information is then put into context by reading the abdomen as a whole – its, shape, size, twists and turns as well.
The second level of information comes from feeling the qi flows throughout the abdomen. Are the individual organs’ energies good, stagnant, blocked or sick?
The third level of information comes from the actual palpation of the abdomen starting with assessing the skin and then gradually working to deeper and deeper structures.
Quantum physics tells us that the act of observing an object changes the state of that object, so too with assessing a person’s abdomen the therapist causes a change of state within that abdomen. This means that the assessment is, quite literally, the first stage of the actual treatment.
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Lasertechnik erfolgreich in der täglichen Praxis einsetzen

180 min
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Das Konzept von tiefsitzenden Toxinen

180 min
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Das Shen bewegen Nadeltechnik und Akupunkturbehandlung, deutsch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
Im Lingshu steht geschrieben: „Chu Shou Xing, Shang Shou Shen“. Sinngemäß könnte man übersetzen, dass der schlechte Arzt bei der Nadeltechnik nur auf die äußere Form achtet, während der Gute sich auf das Shen konzentriert und sein Erscheinen erwartet. An anderer Stelle kann man den Hinweis finden, dass eine Krankheit sich nicht heilen lässt, wenn das Shen nicht bewegt wird.
In der Akupunkturbehandlung versuchen wir das Qi in den Leitbahnen zu aktivieren und zu befreien. Um den Punkt richtig zu behandeln, benötigen wir eine gute Nadeltechnik, Einstichmethode, Stichwinkel, sowie Stichtiefe müssen als „äußere Form“ der Behandlung beachtet werden. Schließlich müssen wir das Qi erreichen (De Qi), führen und regulieren. Wenn das Qi bewegt wird, erwacht und konzentriert sich das Shen des Patienten und es ergibt sich die Möglichkeit durch die bewusste Interaktion zwischen Arzt und Patient, dessen gesamtes So-sein neu auszurichten. So bleiben die Folgen einer Behandlung nicht nur auf das Verschwinden von Symptomen beschränkt, sondern erweitern sich zu einer umfassenden Veränderung seines Lebens.
Über den Shop bestellen / order now:2 CDs  16,00 €

Vom Körperlichen zum Geistigen, deutsch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
Tiefenaspekte der Funktionen der Akupunkturpunkte (Symbolanalyse der antiken Namen der Akupunkturpunkte)
Many modern TCM physicians remark that the once powerful art of acupuncture has lost much of its clinical efficacy and original sophistication. Only few master practitioners remain in China itself. ‘This is often blamed on rote memorization techniques in the present-day teaching of acupuncture point location, physiology, and treatment. Different to the field of herbal medicine, where detailed descriptions of single herbs and their alchemical interactions exist, the oral nature of acupuncture knowledge transmission makes for a comparatively flat textural record.
Prof. Frühauf will present some of the results of an ongoing research project at National College of Natural Medicine (NCCM), which is aimed at uncovering some of the deeper layers of acupuncture point information. This information is, in the words of Sun Simiao, contained in the traditional Chinese names oft the points. By bringing some of the “stories” of the points to light, the NCCM team intends to help restore some of the finer details of the art of acupuncture, but also bring a greater level of joy to the learning of acupuncture related data.
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Tuina, Navel diagnosis and Tuina treatment - Part 2, englisch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
Physical and energetic diagnosis of the navel and the abdomen
Masseurs, while needing to be aware of the energetics in the abdomen, require knowledge of the physical structures of the abdomen and the implications, if any, of blockages, knots and tangles, adhesions, and distortions.
The abdominal information is first offered to the therapist visually by the placement of the navel, its shape, size, twists and turns. This navel information is then put into context by reading the abdomen as a whole – its, shape, size, twists and turns as well.
The second level of information comes from feeling the qi flows throughout the abdomen. Are the individual organs’ energies good, stagnant, blocked or sick?
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Five Element body and pulse diagnosis, englisch

180 min
Inhalt / abstract
Physical and energetic diagnosis of the navel and the abdomen
Masseurs, while needing to be aware of the energetics in the abdomen, require knowledge of the physical structures of the abdomen and the implications, if any, of blockages, knots and tangles, adhesions, and distortions.
The abdominal information is first offered to the therapist visually by the placement of the navel, its shape, size, twists and turns. This navel information is then put into context by reading the abdomen as a whole – its, shape, size, twists and turns as well.
The second level of information comes from feeling the qi flows throughout the abdomen. Are the individual organs’ energies good, stagnant, blocked or sick?
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Fundamentale Prinzipien für den Erfolg in der Praxis, chin. / deutsch

360 min
Inhalt / abstract
Since the publication of his groundbreaking book Sikao Zhorgyi (Contemplating Chinese Medicine), Prof. Liu has emerged as perhaps the must visible scholar-physician among his generation of younger Chinese medicine doctors. He has led the Chinese effort of a renaissance of classical Chinese medicine knowledge, founding the Institute for the Clinical research of Classical Chinese Medicine. He argues that the future role of Chinese medicine rests solely in its effectiveness for both acute an chronic diseases. In this workshop, he will share his personal experiences in supporting the yang as the most important foundation for clinical effectiveness.
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Spirituelle Anwendung der Akupunktur

180 min
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Strategies of diagnosis and therapy of psycho-emotional disorders, english

360 min, english
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Heilende Übungen aus dem traditionellen China...

360 min
Über den Shop bestellen / order now:2 DVDs 37,00 €
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