Garnier Bridges, Lillian
Lillian Pearl Bridges is an internationally renowned author and lecturer whose fresh approach to integrated conscious living has helped thousands of clients unleash their spiritual potential and transform their lives.
2: Lillian Pearl Bridges is an internationally renowned ... [mehr]
2: Lillian Pearl Bridges is an internationally renowned ... [mehr]
Signs of potential on the face
Kongress: TCM Kongress 2008 - 39. Internationaler 360 min, english Inhalt / abstract ![]() Facial Diagnosis – The face is a map of life experience and a blueprint for the body’s functions. The areas of the face correspond to the organs of the body and give access to signs of Jing, Qi, Shen and the functioning of the Wei Qi. From the facial markings and features, you can also assess personality traits, signs of disease, and discover the underlying psychological and emotional issues affecting health. | ||
Primal Sexuality a. Creativity f. the Source-Jing and Desire
Kongress: Scandinavian TCM Congress - 1. 2007 270 min, english | ||
Signs of Sexuality in the Face
Kongress: Scandinavian TCM Congress - 1. 2007 330 min, english | ||
Feng Shui for the Clinic
Kongress: TCM Kongress 2007 - 38. Internationaler 210 min, english Inhalt / abstract ![]() Feng Shui is based on ancient Taoist beliefs about nature and a human being’s place within it. The primary purpose of Feng Shui is to align people with their environment to maximize health and well-being. As in Chinese Medicine, qi is the most important concept. Qi can be found in all living things and is read and analyzed so that a person can adapt and access the helpful qi and avoid harmful qi. Feng Shui literally means the “shady side of the hill” which implies a sunny side or the concept of yin and yang. It has since been known to mean “the way of wind and water” also indicating the need to be aware of these primary forces in the world. Qi can also be divided into the three zones of heaven, human and earth and the vibrational families of the five elements. All of these aspects need to be balanced for health and healing to occur. When individuals are suffering from poor health or disease, it is extremely important to evaluate the conditions of their homes and offices. Making changes in the flow of qi, involving the healing power of color and incorporating personal symbolism can all improve an individual’s emotional, psychological and physical health. It is also vital for practitioners to become aware of the feng shui of their clinics and treatment rooms to facilitate the healing process. In this workshop, students will learn the fundamental principles of Feng Shui from the ancient Form School tradition and how to apply them in medical settings as well as for the purpose of counseling patients about the use of Feng Shui in their home and office environments. Creating healing environments helps to eliminate the “band aid effect” of treatment where the progress gained in the clinic is lost upon the patient’s return home. Incorporating Feng Shui into the healing process ensures that patient’s and practitioners harness the most positive elements of the natural world. | ||
Face Reading - Creating a Personality Profile
Kongress: TCM Kongress 2006 - 37. Internationaler 210 min, eng/deu Inhalt / abstract ![]() In order to create a personality profile, it is necessary to understand how to combine traits on the face. Individual traits can be amplified by corollary traits shown in other features, making these traits very powerful. However, the most difficult aspect of face reading involves combining opposing traits. It is necessary to evaluate specific features in comparison to their opposites. This course will teach participants to recognize and understand the features and their meanings in combination so that the true personality is revealed. This will be an interactive workshop involving the participants so that the complexity of personality profiling can be better understand on a personal and professional level. | ||
Face Reading-patterns,person. and their influence on illness
Kongress: TCM Kongress - 36. Internationaler 360 min, eng/deu | ||
Signs of Fertility, Sexuality and Longevity of the Face
Kongress: TCM Kongress 2004 - 35. Internationaler 360 min, english | ||
Face Reading - Patterns, Personality and their Influence...
Kongress: TCM Kongress 2004 - 35. Internationaler 360 min, english | ||
Facial Diagnosis - Personality, Issues, Patterns.....
Kongress: TCM Kongress 2003 - 34. Internationaler 360 min, english Inhalt / abstract ![]() Personality and health are inextricably connected. Although there are many factors contributing to disease, the only aspects we have control over are our feelings, our reactions and our actions. The facial map is an invaluable tool in uncovering the issues and patterns that contribute to disease profiles. In addition, the personality traits contributing to both illness and good health will be identified through markings on the face. | ||
Signs from the Shen-Shen Disturbances, Brain and Nervous....
Kongress: TCM Kongress 2003 - 34. Internationaler 360 min, english | ||
Grundlagen der chinesischen Gesichtsdiagnostik
Kongress: TCM Kongress 2002 - 33. Internationaler 180 min, eng/deu Inhalt / abstract ![]() Das Gesicht ist eine Blaupause der inneren Körperfunktionen. In diesem Seminar wird gezeigt, wie die Gesichtsareale den entsprechenden Körperorganen zugeordnet werden. Die Teilnehmer lernen, sowohl die Zeichen von Qi im Gesicht zu erkennen als auch die Gesichtsfarbe zu bewerten, um damit zu einer Diagnose zu kommen. | ||
Gesichtsdiagnostische Zeichen des Schmerzes u. d. Krankheit
Kongress: TCM Kongress 2002 - 33. Internationaler 360 min, eng/deu Inhalt / abstract ![]() In diesem Seminar lernen die Teilnehmer, Krankheitsanzeichen im Gesicht zu erkennen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt den versteckten Zeichen des Schmerzes und dem Verständnis der Merkmale, die zu einer Krankheit beitragen und eine Heilung verhindern. | ||
TCM-Gesichtsdiagnostik für die Praxis
Kongress: TCM Kongress 2002 - 33. Internationaler 360 min, english Inhalt / abstract ![]() Dieser Workshop legt besonderes Gewicht auf das Gesicht und die Informationen, die es über Krankheit und Persönlichkeit enthüllt. Wir betrachten die Landkarte des Gesichtes sowie dessen Mosaik und die Merkmale der fünf Wandlungsphasen. Es werden die verschiedenen Manifestationen von Shen im Gesicht bewertet und detailliert die psychologischen und emotionalen Krankheitsmechanismen besprochen. | ||