TCM Kongress 2006 - 37. Internationaler
Der Weg des Herzens...Ebene VI - Luo-Yuan Kombinationen420 min, deutschInhalt / abstract Teil I: Die längsverlaufenden luo- Gefäße und ihre gekoppelten yuan- Höhlen entsprechend der SECHS Schichten
Viele der familiären, gesellschaftlich vermittelten, beruflichen und sonstigen Prägungen müssen wir hinter uns lassen, um zu unserem Herzen zu gelangen. Auf diesem Weg der Prägungen können wir auch alle möglichen Erkrankungen erwerben, die unterschiedlich tief in uns eindringen: sie können uns nur äußerlich anhauchen oder auch innerlich imprägnieren, je nach energetischem Status unserer Wandlungsphasen. Ziel jeder Therapie kann m.E. nur sein, diese Erkrankungen auch anzunehmen, sie kennenzulernen, um sie dann hinter sich zu lassen, sie nicht mehr nötig zu haben und keineswegs sie einfach wegzutherapieren. Ein Mittel in diesem Prozeß ist die Arbeit an und mit den SECHS Schichten und es ist immer wieder erstaunlich, wie leicht wir uns selbst auf diesem Weg von scheinbar hartnäckigen und alten Erkrankungen befreien können. Als Grundlage benutzen wir dazu unsere längsverlaufenden luo-Gefäße, die in der Regel voll von altem, nicht ausgeschiedenem sondern abgelagertem pathogenem xie-qi sind, in Kombination mit unseren yuan-Höhlen. Diese Grundlage kann noch erweitert werden mit den xi-Punkten oder den tian you, den Himmelsfenstern sowie den jiao hui-, den Vereinigungs-Punkten. Wie das genau geht, was wir als Therapeuten und das Klientel dabei erleben können, ist Inhalt des Seminars | ||
Treating Male Disorder by Acupuncture420 min, englishInhalt / abstract The Treatment of male disorders by acupuncture There are a number of male disorders that are both extremely common and effectively treated by acupuncture. Of these, male infertility, erectile dysfunction and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (chronic prostatitis) are probably the most important. This one day presentation will cover these three problems. In each case a western medicine overwiew will be given, followed by a Chinese medicine pattern differentiation, detailed suggestions for treatment by acupuncture, accounts of clinical research and advice on both traditional and proven self-help methods by dietary and lifestyle methods. | ||
Roaming Emperors and Wandering Spirits-Clinical Application420 min, englishInhalt / abstract The An Shen School combines philosophical and medical ideas from Tibetan Buddhist and Taoist traditions. In their effort to “An Shen” (= Calm the Spirit), followers of this school developed a very specific strategy to calm and anchor the Spirit and to open the Orifices of the Heart. The choices of their single herbs, the composition of their herbal formulas re still applicable and highly efficient in our times in treating problems of the mind. Depression, Bi-polar syndrome, stress are some of the examples of modern pathology that can be approached by An Shen School strategies. | ||
The Vision of the Body-Organization, Importance of Chi....420 min, english | ||
Über Nahrung zur Stressprävention- und behandlung420 min, deutschInhalt / abstract Es wird aufgezeigt, dass sowohl aus dem Pi Wei Lun von Li Dong-Yuan als auch aus der Forschungsarbeit von Hans Selye als Quintessenz hervorgeht, dass bei Stress einerseits das Qi der Mitte leidet und andererseits das Jing angegriffen wird. Um mit Hilfe der Ernährung Stress abzubauen oder erst gar nicht aufkommen zu lassen, sind daher Strategien zur Stärkung der Mitte und zur Konservierung des Jing angebracht. Welche Nahrungsmittel speziell dafür geeignet sind und welche einfachen Ernährungsregeln zu beachten sind, wird mit vielen praktischen Tipps und Rezepten vermittelt. | ||
Weiji Yufang Gong - Stress Prevention Exercise420 min, eng/deu | ||
Vorträge im Plenum I180 min, deu/eng | ||
The Chinese Vision of the Body: Characters for the Body.....210 min, english | ||
Herb Combinations for Stress210 min, eng/deuInhalt / abstract This 15 minute talk is the brief introduction to Jeremy’s 3 workshops at the 37th TCM Congress in Rothenburg. Jeremy shows how to treat different types of stress that are commonly seen in the clinic, for example: hypertension + headache, menopausal flushes + anxiety, bipolar disorders, anxiety + depression, nightmares + exhaustion, cardiac weakness + depression Jeremy discusses the role of the 5 Taste properties in the treatment of stress. Each taste has its special contribution to the treatment of emotional disorders. For example, the heaviness and solidity of the Sweet taste property can treat emotional insecurity and emotional lability, and help in the treatment of bipolar syndromes | ||
Face Reading - Creating a Personality Profile210 min, eng/deuInhalt / abstract In order to create a personality profile, it is necessary to understand how to combine traits on the face. Individual traits can be amplified by corollary traits shown in other features, making these traits very powerful. However, the most difficult aspect of face reading involves combining opposing traits. It is necessary to evaluate specific features in comparison to their opposites. This course will teach participants to recognize and understand the features and their meanings in combination so that the true personality is revealed. This will be an interactive workshop involving the participants so that the complexity of personality profiling can be better understand on a personal and professional level. | ||
Stress, Apoptosis and Alzheimer Diseases210 min, englishInhalt / abstract AD has become a big threaten for all of human being, about 1 of 10 people over 65 years old and 5 of 10 over 85 years old have suffered AD. Western medical scientists do not know the causes and there is no cure. What is the answer of TCM to AD? Are there theory in etiology and pathological mechanisms in TCM on AD? Is stress related to development of AD? Does TCM could contribute the prevention and treatments to AD? In this lecture, the speaker would like bring you into classics of TCM, from Yi Jing, Nei Jing and Shang Han Lun to explore the brightness of TCM on this disease. It will be shown that long time over stress, modern life styles, rapid developments of economy and technology are the possible causes for AD in a classical TCM view. The pathological mechanisms related to stress on AD, the treatments of acupuncture, Chinese herbs for AD, the importance of stress management and life style management to prevent against AD in TCM way will be discussed. | ||
Wie komme ich zu einem diätetischen Plan für PatientInnen?210 min, deutsch | ||
Weiji Xiaochu Gong - Stress Relief Exercise390 min, eng/deuInhalt / abstract It is widely recognised that qigong is effective in combatting the effects of stress (weiji). But until now there has not been any qigong routines designed to deal with present day stress disorders. Now, however, we have two new routines, Weiji Yufang Gong – Stress Prevention Exercise, and Weiji Xiaochu Gong – Stress Relief Exercise. Each of the two routines contains eight individual repetative exercises that flow seamlessly together to create a pleasant therapeutic experience. As their names imply the first exercise is designed as a preventative exercise to stop the build up of stress. While the second exercise was compiled with the aim of relieving the effects for people already suffering from stress. Together they provide a paired (yin-yang), balanced approach to dealing with stress. | ||
Stressed Out Children - Headaches, Sleep Problems...390 min, eng/deuInhalt / abstract Diagnosis The talk will first of all concentrate on the difference between diagnosis in Chinese and Western medicine. It will be shown that in TCM, diagnosis is a very active concept, quite unlike our Western idea of putting a name to a disease. The second part will show what to do when symptoms do not fit. Why is it that we get so many problems that are difficult to analyse. It will be shown that when pulse and symptoms do not match, then the situation is always difficult to cure, and in chronic conditions usually means that the origin is a deeply buried psychological or spiritual disturbance. Stressed out children I used to say that children do not get headaches or backaches, but now I know that they do. An astonishing number now get both these complaints – just like adults. This day-long course will discuss the reasons and the treatments. The course will concentrate on three areas, which overlap – diet, exercise and sleep. The availability of enough food, and good quality food is no longer a problem. And yet there are many children who are undernourished. They are undernourished because they do not eat enough, usually because their Spleen Qi is weak. Their Spleen Qi is weak because they do not sleep enough, and their sleep is poor because they do not eat enough. Likewise, if they do not have enough Qi, they cannot take much exercise, and so they do not develop a good appetite, and they do not sleep well. In this talk we will concentrate on what we, as acupuncturists can do to break this vicious circle. We will concentrate on 1 developing a good appetite 2. sleep problems. In this we will discuss several patterns such as cranial compression, which do not appear in the Chinese texts. Building for the future There are so many theories about education and upbrininging, and yet there are few with any basis in observation, or any thought to the long term. The great strength of Chinese medicine is that we can say which of the our grandparents rules are still important. Does it really matter if our children don’t finish up the food ont their plate? Does it really matter if they go to sleep with their hair wet? With the perspective of Chinese medicine we can give specific advice for each individual. Needle (an other) techniques. The final part of the talk will be devoted to needle techniques, and what you can do if the child flatly refuses to be needled. We will discuss moxa, laser, infrared, and microcurrent stimulation. Each of these has something to offer, but the basis for understanding all of these is directing Qi. | ||
Die Kunst der Interaktion in der Akupunkturpraxis390 min, deutschInhalt / abstract In dieser Vertiefung der Konstitutionellen Leitbahn Therapie wird die Bedeutung der Interaktion im Behandlungsraum herausgearbeitet. Diese Kunst ist darauf ausgerichtet ein Vertrauensverhältnis (Rapport) zu KlientInnen herauszustellen und die Theorie der 5 Wandlungs-phasen (WP) – Konstitutionstypen einzigartig auf alle Patienten zu übertragen. Unter anderem werden folgende therapeutische „Werkzeuge“ vorgestellt: • Nutzung von Wahrnehmungs- und Ausdruckskanälen um besseren Rapport mit Patienten herzustellen. • Erfassen der inneren Landkarte um limitierende Glaubenssätze, Werte und Verhaltens-kriterien hinsichtlich der 5WP Konstitutionstypen zu erkennen und zu verändern. • Innerer Dialog mit Teilpersönlichkeiten, sogenannte Symptompersönlichkeiten, deren Absicht hinter dem Symptom verstanden werden soll. So kann das Potential der Wandlungsphase herausgearbeitet werden. • Inneres Familienstellen um die kindlichen Wunden, die den 5 Wandlungsphasen Konstitutionstyp prägten zu erforschen und durch Neustellen zu verändern. • Zeitlinienveränderung um in der Vergangenheit einen anderen Standpunkt bzgl. eines Traumas zu gewinnen, bzw. neu erkannte Potentiale in der Zukunft zu verankern. • Herzöffnungstechnik um schwierige Gefühle kontrolliert auszudrücken, indem man weder in ihnen untergeht noch sie unterdrückt. • Umsetzung der daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in die Punktwahl. | ||
Classical Pathology: The Neijing Nineteen Lines on Pathology390 min, eng/deuInhalt / abstract Chapter seventy-four of the Great Treatise on the Essence of the Utmost Truth [zhizhen yao dalun] of the Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor [huangdi neijing] records the most encompassing and original rules in Chinese medicine pathology. The nineteen patterns are considered to be the most authoritative instructions on classical etiopathology. But there is great difficulty in understanding these instructions, since they cannot be researched from merely a more modern Qing dynasty zangfu differentiation standpoint. As such, the only path to full understanding of the lines is an evaluation from all possible angles in classical Chinese medicine. This evaluation will be engaged in by cross-referencing other classics like the Classic of Difficulties [nan jing], as well as later commentaries by masters like Zhang Jingyue, etc. During the course, all nineteen patterns will be studied and explained, providing the participant with a definitive understanding on classical Chinese medicine pathology. | ||
Stress bedroht unser Herz390 min, deutschInhalt / abstract Unser Organismus ist ständig vielfältigen Stress-Situationen ausgesetzt, denen wir uns nicht völlig entziehen können. Ein bestimmter Stress-Pegel ist auch notwendig, um unsere Funktionskreise in einer bestimmten Spannung, die für ihr richtiges Funktionieren notwendig ist, zu halten . Übersteigt der Pegel jedoch das Normalmaß, so wird Stress zu unserem Feind. Die TCM hat allerdings keinen Begriff für Stress. Sie spricht vielmehr von Nervosität und Spannung. Wenn beide länger andauern, stören sie die Funktionen der 5 Shen (shen, hun, po, ji, zhi). Diese übermäßige Beanspruchung der normalen Gemütszustände kann dann zu Erkrankungen, beispielsweise zu Herzerkrankungen führen. | ||
Vorträge im Plenum II180 min, eng/deu | ||
Die Leber glätten180 min, deutschInhalt / abstract Xiao yao san und verwandte Rezepturen Übersicht : Der Funktionskreis der Leber – Funktion und Stellung innerhalb der Funktioskreise. Pathologie des Funktionskreises der Leber Die Therapie des Funktionskreises der Leber Verschiedene Möglichkeiten therapeutischen Eingreifens Das Problem der Leber-Qi-Stagnation Symptome aus westlicher Sicht: Depression, Verdauungsbeschwerden, gynäkologische Probleme, Beschwerden im Umgang mit Stress Folgen innerhalb des Funktionskreises der Leber Therapie mit Xiao yao san Analyse von Xiao yao san Verwandte Rezepturen wie Chai hu shu gan san Mitbeteiligung anderer Funktionskreise und therapeutische Konsequenzen | ||
Das Leben an sich ist Stress-Der Mensch und seine Konflikte180 min, deutsch | ||
Chinese Medicine for Common Menstrual Problems180 min, eng/deu | ||
Role of the 5 Tastes in the Treatment of Emotional Problems180 min, eng/deuInhalt / abstract Understanding the 5 tastes, and creating a proper balance of the tastes in a herb combination can make treatment both safer and more effective. Each taste has its special contribution to the treatment of emotional disorders. For example, the astringent aspect the sour property can firm Kidney Qi and Heart Spirit and reduce the scattering effect of fear and anxiety on the mind and emotions. This firming effect can also help to reduce mood swings and bipolar disorders. Tastes don’t just have one function: they can have a range of potential functions. For example, The Western concept of bitter is as digestive tonic, and the Chinese concept of bitter is to clear Heat. Jeremy’s new expanded concept of bitter goes much further, and includes eight different bitter functions. These 8 can treat some of the most important diseases of modern times. | ||
Vom Alleinsein und Zusammensein: Perikard, 3-facher Erwärmer180 min, deutsch | ||
Praktische Anwendung des Bazi Suanming -krisenhafte Episoden180 min, deutsch | ||
Treatment of Various Injuries Using Japanese Acupuncture360 min, englishInhalt / abstract This one-day workshop will cover treatment of a number of injuries showing how they can be treated using the following Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion techniques: “ion-pumping cords”, intradermal needles, press-tack needles, okyu-direct moxa, chinetsukyu-warm moxa, bloodletting, needling, Manaka’s wooden hammer and needle. Various theoretically driven and practical treatment strategies will be covered for the following: whiplash injury, various sprains, strains, breaks, contusions, cuts, scars. The techniques will be covered by lecture, demonstration and practice. The treatment strategies will be covered by lecture. This workshop will draw from many Japanese acupuncture methods, theories and authors especially from the works of Yoshio Manaka, Meridian Therapy and the experience of the lecturer. | ||
Yin und Yang in Harmonie: Daoistischer Antistress workshop180 min, deutsch | ||
Authentication,Quality Control and Control of Clinical Trial360 min, english | ||
Von heiligen Kriegen und dem Leid der Welt:Gallenblase/Leber180 min, deutsch | ||
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