72nd LMHI Homeopathic World Congress Leipzig 2017 (DZH17)
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www.lmhi-congress-2017.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/AHZ0217_Onlineversion1.pdfEröffnungsvortrag - Medizinischer Pluralismus - was wir aus der Geschichte lernen können90 min, deutschInhalt / abstract Wenn jemand vor dem Beginn des Zeitalters der modernen Medizin krank wurde, konnte er unter einem großen Angebot unterschiedlichster Therapeuten wählen. Zu jener Zeit dominierten die approbierten Heiler noch nicht den medizinischen Markt, wenngleich es schon eine Tendenz zur Monopolisierung, die vom Staat begünstigt wurde, gab. Dem widerspricht nicht der Umstand, dass die „Kurierfreiheit“ in Deutschland von den 1870er-Jahren bis in das frühe 20. Jahrhundert gesetzlich garantiert war. Als am Ende des 18. Jahrhundert Samuel Hahnemann seine neue Heilkunst, die er später Homöopathie nannte, propagierte, führte das zu einem Bruch in der Ärzteschaft, der noch heute zu spüren ist. Die Homöopathie und nicht eine andere CAM-Therapie bildet nämlich den Lackmustest für den medizinischen Pluralismus. Homöopathie ist jedoch nicht die einzige Herausforderung für die Biomedizin. Die Integrative Medizin könnte in eine Sackgasse führen, wenn das Weltbild der darunter subsumierten Therapien an Bedeutung verliert und lediglich die speziellen Techniken (Medikation, Nadelstechen oder manuelle Techniken) angewandt werden, immer unter dem Blickwinkel der Evidenz. Die Haltung des Staates zu den traditionellen Heilweisen wird zukünftig sehr stark von ökonomischen Überlegungen abhängen, da die Gesellschaft altert und chronische Erkrankungen zunehmen. Das könnte durchaus eine Chance für die Homöopathie sein, wenn der Fokus nicht mehr der Wirkungsnachweis ist, sondern die Wirksamkeit, wie sie Outcome-Studien belegen. | ||
Dialogue: Pediatrics I65 min, englischInhalt / abstract Homeopathy in children with Prader-Willi-Syndrome, a genetic disease (Sigrid Kruse, DF01/02) Background Single-remedy-homeopathy according to the Vienna School of Homeopathy (Mathias Dorcsi) is well accepted as a complementary method at the Dr. von Hauner’s Children’s University Hospital in Munich. Collaboration takes place in various disciplines of the Hospital, such as neonatology, oncology and neurology. Based on positive results in retarded children, we chose Prader-Willi-Syndrome to perform an observational study. This syndrome is a genetic disorder because of a microdeletion at the gene 15. It is characterized by the triad of dwarfism, obesity and oligophrenia. Methods We performed an observational study with 20 children, aged from 7 months to 16 years. According to the age, the main problems among others were developmental retardation and muscular hypotonia. IInsufficient drinking in the first weeks of life is later displaced by craving for food, obesity, retarded motoric and mental development, further behavioral disorders like fit of rage, obstinacy and slowness in moving and thinking. Therefore classification took place according to age groups as follows: 7 months –3 years, 8– 12 years, 13 – 16 years. We used questionnaires at the beginning of the homeopathic therapy, then later after 3, 6 and 12 months to document the reactions to therapy. Results Prader-Willi-Syndrome is not as homogenous as described in the literature. With homeopathic therapy the conditions of 17 of 20 children improved in various aspects. The best results were seen after calcium carbonicum in high potency, followed by Q-potencies over a longer period. Conclusion Single-remedy-homeopathy, based on the individual child shows good results in children with Prader-Willi-Syndrome, an example of a genetic disease. Asperger syndrome – a homeopathic challenge (Heiner Frei, DF01/03) Introduction Asperger syndrome is an autistic developmental disorder: Since the patients are unable to recognize nonverbal signals in other persons, they display a strange and awkward behaviour and tend, in addition, to stereotype activities and interests. The diagnosis needs an interdisciplinary approach of paediatrician, neurologist, remedial teacher and child psychiatrist. We examine the impact of homeopathic treatment on the syndrome, which as ADD/ADHD, is caused by disturbances of perception. The remedy determination is therefore very similar. Main branches of treatment in our clinic are homeopathical and remedial teaching. Method Since mind symptoms have shown to be unreliable in these patients, we use Polarity Analysis of perception symptoms for remedy determination. The practical procedure is demonstrated in a case report, possible treatment results are outlined with a retrospective analysis of 5 patients. Results 4 children reacted efficiently to homeopathy, while one did not respond at all. The treatment reduced the Conners Global Index, an intensity score for patients with perception disorders, within 27 months in the whole group, from an average of 15 to 3 points. Conclusion Homeopathy can play a major role in the treatment of Asperger patients, allowing them an almost normal school- and family life. | ||
Autoimmun Diseases - CM0470 min, englischInhalt / abstract Enteroviruses as the cause of a variety of chronic diseases (Johannes Fuchs, CM04/01) This presentation deals with the effects of epidemic enteroviruses which could be identified as the cause of various chronic diseases, specifically autoimmune diseases. Cases were collected and analysed over a period of more than 4 years and time patterns were documented. The treatment of the viral epidemic 2011/2012 itself is described, including the finding of the homeopathic remedy and the rapid healing, even of multi-morbid patients during the acute phase. The paper deals with the observation that, with a latency period of several months, various diseases caused by the same virus occurred, specifically autoimmune diseases. Here may be mentioned: myocarditis with consecutive dilated cardiomyopathy, allopecia areata sive totalis, type I diabetes and polyarthritis, clinically apparent from 04/2012 to 06/2012. Non-autoimmune diseases from the same period are also part of the discussion. In the course of the case studies it could be documented that, up to 4 years later, one single dose of the original homeopathic remedy, suitable during the enterovirus epidemic, could initiate or achieve a cure of the chronic disease. (This does not apply for the insulin dependent type I diabetes). The result of the case studies proves that there must be a causal relationship. The presentation is intentionally limited to the aforementioned virus epidemic. However, this represents the beginning of more than 4 years of research following the admonition of Hahnemann, noted in §100 of the Organon. The overall results are applicable to discuss the homeopathic treatment methodology and can be considered as element of basic medical research. The systemic disease: autoimmune thyroiditis – interdisciplinary collaboration: Homeopathy – micro-immunotherapy – orthomolecular therapy (Ina Chammah, CM04/02) Background Autoimmune thyroiditis is part of a multifactorial, chronic inflammatory systemic disorder that is reaching epidemic proportions in recent years and in its course often leads to a very serious state of chronic disease. Clinically, especially dysfunctions, such as fatigue, susceptibility to infections, digestive disorders, weight problems and depressive mood are in the foreground. In traditional medicine, there is neither a concept for pathophysiology, nor for the causal treatment of autoimmunity. Homeopathy may, in the opinion of the speaker, Ina Chammah, often calm down the symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis, but unfortunately has little influence on the dynamics of the underlying systemic chronic inflammation. It often happens that the patients, in spite of consistently applied homeopathic therapy, end in a thyroid hypothyroidism due to a “burned-out” thyroid and additionally develop further autoimmune chronic inflammatory processes in other organs in its course. The authors have developed interdisciplinary therapeutic concepts to slow down the dynamics of this systemic autoimmune disease significantly, and thus avoid manifest hypothyroidism, while the patient is in good and healthy condition. The therapeutic concept consists of the following disciplines: Homeopathy in the sense of a “constitutional remedy” in addition to acute remedies, if necessary. Immunological diagnosis (lymphocyte typing) for elaborating the causes of autoimmunity and the application of potentiated immune messengers to influence and modulate the immune system to restore autotolerance. Specific orthomolecular nutritional therapy in therapeutic doses to treat mitochondrial dysfunction of the cells after concrete functional lab-diagnostic. Equalization thyroid gland – outcome assessment (W. Brunelli, CM04/03) The homeopathic clinic of the Municipal Public Servant Hospital of São Paulo (HSPM – Brazil) has among patient records some cases of thyroid gland diseases (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), which were treated whith the systemic homeopathic method of Carillo. This study evaluates patients with diseases of thyroid gland, analyzing improvements using a Iodium-like equalizer, adjacent to the systemic medication. The reviewed 21 cases using Iodium equalizer for the disease, adjacent to the systemic medication, in the homeopathic clinic of the HSPM, from 2000 to 2013. In four cases, it was possible to reduce the dose of allopathic medicine and finally terminate it due to normalization of the thyroid gland function. There was one case of hyperthyroidism and it was possible to terminate the use of methimazole. There were four cases, in which the function of the thyroid gland was normalized without the associated use of hormone. In three cases it was possible to reduce the dose of hormone. There were nine cases, in which it was not possible to reduce the dose of the hormone. In cases where there was an improvement applying homeopathic treatment, TSH and free T4 returned to the normal reference value. In cases that were not effective, TSH and free T4 had not normalized. Therefore, the effectiveness of Iodium depends on the ability and stability of the gland thyroid to increase or decrease hormone production, in addition to the treatment of a chronic disease, that affects the thyroid gland. | ||
Dentistry I - FF0150 min, englischInhalt / abstract Signatur in the cavum oris – Symptoms leading to an integral medicine: clinical situation in context to well-known remedies (Roland Schule, FF01/01) The buccal cavity (cavum oris) mirrors the healthiness of a person. For integral comprehension in the sense of personality, physical and mental style this aria is a guide, in a figurative sense a “central organ”, regarding the selfhood of our patients. Chronic diseases in a homeopathic sense are responsible for clinical structures as gums, peridontium, surface of the tongue, quality of tooth, mixture of saliva etc. – and gives us a link to miasmatic relationships. Every change within this cavity will create a holistic effect, which will be shown in physical and mental health. The inspection of the buccal cavity whith sparse equipment presents an incredible view regarding chronic diseases, which the patient may be incorporating. Even, if you are not a dentist, this information is easy to ascertain and very significant for your treatment. In this presentation the classical miasms by Samuel Hahnemann (Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis) will be discussed, including a short outlook on the tuberculosis and carcinogenic miasm. Amazing role of natrum muriaticum in dental disorders (Kavita Chandak, FF01/02) Toothache, gum boil, oral sepsis, ulcers, stomatitis and dental decay can be treated successfully by homeopathic remedies, internally as well as with external applications. E.g. for neuralgic conditions: chamomilla, magnesium phosphoricum, coffea, plantago. For inflammatory conditions: mercurius solubilis, nitric acid, ferrum phosphoricum, belladonna. For decayed teeth: staphysagria, kreosote, thuja, mezereum. For gum boils: silicea, mercurius vivus, calendula, sulfur, hekla lava. Nowadays, why do many tooth paste manufacturing companies include salt as an important component of tooth paste? Our homeopathy is already blessed with the amazing remedy natrum muriaticum. It is specific for trigeminal neuralgia with great salivation and lachrymation; fistula of gums with mapped tongue. Teeth very sensitive to air and touch. | ||
Research in Provings/Cases/Plants I - PR0190 min, englischInhalt / abstract Validating the clinical predictive value of homeopathic provings – a pilot study comparing retrospectively collected proving and clinical data (Todd Hoover, PR01/01) Homeopathic provings (also called homeopathic pathogenetic trials) are currently used by the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia Convention of the U.S. (HPCUS) to evaluate homeopathic drugs in the monograph review process. Provings originated in 1766 have been progressively updated to conform to modern standards for ethical and scientific conduct of human trials. Provings are considered to be a primary data source to guide selection of a remedy for treatment. To date, no studies have formally examined the correlation between data obtained from provings and clinical effectiveness, when such data is used as a guide to select treatment. This trial is a 2 year Retrospective Chart Review of patients (more than 150 cases) treated by a group of clinicians, using the Vithoulkas Compass System for homeopathic remedy selection and record-keeping. Collected data on treatment selection rubrics will be compared to data obtained from modern and historical provings of the same remedy. The trial is designed to compare data obtained in provings to rubrics used in the selection of a homeopathic medicine with correlation to the reported effect from treatment. This preliminary study should yield information on the relevance of provings to clinical treatment choice and outcome, comparative data on historical and modern provings, and the value of particular rubrics to treatment outcome, using likelihood ratios. This information is relevant for clinical practice. Keywords HPCUS, monograph process, regulation, approval of new homeopathic drugs and design for future homeopathic studies. This study is financially supported by HPCUS. So-called placebo-symptoms in a homeopathic drug proving (HDP) – criteria of exclusion or inclusion? – A change of paradigm? (Reinhard Flick, PR01/02) Until today, in the course of a HDP, only the new or changed symptoms of the verum-group of provers are considered and not the symptoms of provers who had taken raw globules that had not been moistened by the proving substance (placebo-provers). The changes, hereby, are attributed to the provingsituation or regarded as a result of expectations and are not put into context with the proving substance. They are classified as worthless and are omitted in the further analysis. The reasons for these considerations by the authors are regularly observed clear proving-symptoms in the group of placebo-provers. These are casually, and in part even more distinct as in the verum-group. During the presentation the authors show a listing of symptoms that occurred in placebo-provers in comparison with symptoms of the corresponding verum-group of a HDP (sources: provings conducted by the authors and some examples of other proving-coordinators). It will be demonstrated that symptoms of placebo-provers are thoroughly comparable in quality, with those of the verum-provers and in some cases surpass them in completeness and wellobserved aspects. Open for discussion remains the question: what is the significance of the clearly observable agent in the proving-phase – as well as during therapy. The hypothesis that it could be something fixed inside the globules,which could not be proven until now, should, however, be increasingly questioned. Also, the increasing legal regulation of clinical trials in Europe has to be questioned, and, furthermore the view of its usefulness. | ||
Dialogue: Pediatrics II / Kinderheilkunde II - DF0290 min, englisch/deutschInhalt / abstract Homeopathic treatment of autism by children in a psychosocial care center (Gosik, DF02/01) Several hypotheses concerning causes of autism have been put forward, which include among others, the possible structural or biochemical changes in certain brain areas, genetic disorders and enzyme deficiencies, responsible for the retention of heavy metals and asymptomatic food intolerances. In the same manner the conclused therapeutic strategies are likewise diverse. We believe that the Chronic Disease Theory of Hahnemann, together with the updates made by Carillo, provide the elements for the understanding of the pathophysiology of this disturbance. This understanding brought up the possibility to give rise to a protocol, that has been applied by the ABRAH under the supervision and coordination of Prof. Carillo himself. More specifically, the protocol has been developed at the Hospital of the Municipal Servers of São Paulo partnered with the Federal Fluminense University since 2008 and the homeopathic and pediatric care-unit in the: “Children Psychosocial Care Center” (CAPSi) of Taboão da Serra, which encounters children and adolescents, aging from 2 to 19 years, with severe and persistent psychical disorders, mainly diagnosed as autism. The CAPSi attends 195 patients of which 150 have the diagnosis of autism with various levels of instances from the classic (non-verbal, echolalia, verbal high-functioning) up to the atypical. Of these, 60 patients received exclusive homeopathic treatment and 90 patients in combination with psychiatric medications. In this study, we present some of the results applying this approach. Tips and tricks – Treatment of premature infants in an intensive care unit/neonatology with the aid of homeopathy to prosper vitality and survivability (Ivanis, DF02/02) This presentation gives insight into the approach and challenge (lessons learned), dealing with the treatment of premature babies at the intensive care unit, e. g. birth of twins in pregnancy week 26, (both under 1.000 g), and birth of a baby in pregnancy week 29, with cerebral hemorrhage grade 4 (of 5), and about difficulties which homeopathic practitioners can face in the environment of neonatology. Lessons learned – targeting therapy (e. g. supportive thriving therapy. supportive immune system therapy), symptomatic therapy, difficulties regarding application of globuli in a very high hygiene environment of premature babies. And last but not least the question, when the treatment runs over the mother’s milk, when we treat the mother with remedies as Hahnemann mentioned in his Organon VI in §286 Ref1 and our experience, if the power of homeopathic remedy in mother’s milk survives the pasteurisation process, prior to application. Homöopathie in der Allergologie – von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart (Lucae, DF02/03) Fragestellung: Untersuchung der homöopathischen Literatur bezüglich Beschreibung und Behandlung allergischer Erkrankungen mit Vergleich der verschiedenen Behandlungsansätze und Darstellung heutiger Möglichkeiten. Methodik Sichtung der homöopathischen Literatur, Darstellung von Kasuistiken. Ergebnis Allergische Symptome sind keineswegs ein Novum der letzten Jahrzehnte. Ein Blick in die Medizingeschichte zeigt, dass bereits im Altertum Symptome eines allergischen Asthmas dokumentiert wurden. Ein Vorläufer des Heuschnupfens, der „rose cold“, wurde im 16. Jahrhundert beschrieben. Allergic diathesis in the medical practice of a homeopathic pediatrician (Dorsi, DF02/04) Question: Which role does allergic diathesis play in the pediatric practice and how can it be treated homeopathically? The frequency of atopic eczema, obstructive bronchitis and food allergy within the first year of life, is increasing. The “atopic journey” starts with atopic eczema and ends with asthma bronchiale. Although 7 “eczema-genes” have been identified, the prognosis for the child is hard to predict. Methods Phenomenological homeopathy of the Vienna School according to Mathias Dorcsi. facilitates prediction of prognosis. The knowledge of the three diathesis (lymphatic, lithemic, destructive) is essential. In accordance with Samuel Hahnemann and his theory of miasms, Mathias Dorcsi found a correlation between the specific phenomena of a patient and his diathesis. The individual diathesis helps to predict the disposition for illness as well as the potential for regulation. After homeopathic history taking, the aim is to find the best fitting remedy. Clinical examples will be shown, which help to recognize the phenomena and the diathesis. The following remedies are important in the treatment of allergic diathesis: Calcium salts, the nosodes, snake venom and okoubaka. Results 30 years of experience in this pediatric practice leads to the hypothesis, that the course of an atopic eczema is improved by homeopathic treatment in combination with recommendations concerning nutrition. Goal for the future Conduction of a prospective outcome study to examine the course of allergy in children treated homeopathically, with or without conventional therapy. Combined with recommendations for nutrition, the aim is to find the best possible therapy for each child. | ||
Prescription Strategies - CM0590 min, englischInhalt / abstract Integrating repertory and materia medica (Schroyens, CM05/01) Application of Boger’s methodology in dealing with acute, pathological and chronic cases (Tiwari, CM05/02) Identifying series and stages of the periodic table easily and differenciating symptoms in combined minerals for animal and human patients (Kohlrausch, CM05/03) | ||
Dialogue: Urology / Urologie - DF0490 min, englisch/deutschInhalt / abstract Diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of urinary tract infections – the urologist’s perspective (Pannek, DF04/01) Homöopathische Therapie und Prophylaxe von Harnwegsinfekten (Bündner, DF04/02) The efficacy of nosodes in cases of cystitis justifying the therapeutic law of nature (Chandak, DF04/03) | ||
Dialogue: Epidemics I / Epidemien I - DF0560 min, englisch/deutschInhalt / abstract A brief overview of the extraordinary success of homeopathy in epidemics (Saine, DF05/01) Validität und Aussagekraft historischer Daten am Beispiel der Spanischen Grippe (Jahn, DF05/02) Homöopathie bei Epidemien – Aufbau einer Beweisführung (Wein, DF05/03) | ||
Teaching I - T0190 min, englischInhalt / abstract Practice management in homeopathy – a post graduate training module – for better health care success, practice and appreciation (Mohan, F01/01) A vison 2020 for homeopathic education in India (Joao, T01/02) | ||
Research in Provings/Cases/Plants II - PR0285 min, englischInhalt / abstract The proving of adonis vernalis and a case of advanced valvular aortic stenosis (Potgieter Steiner, Cachin Jus, PR02/01) Symptom picture of the homeopathic remedy aspergillus ruber in healthy volunteers: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (Jansen, PR02/02) | ||
Teaching II - T02140 min, englischInhalt / abstract Didactics in teaching homeopathy (Kretzdorn & Kruse) Coordination of the education in homeopathy for doctors to meet the challenge of future generations – the new Swiss Academy (Bläuer, T02/03) The relevance of specialization for homeopathy in Russia (Kosmodemyanskiy, T02/04) | ||
Psychatric Cases – Key Lecture - CM0260 min, deutschInhalt / abstract Zeitgemäße homöopathische Behandlung psychischer Störungen in Beziehung zur konventionellen Medizin (Koch, CM02) | ||
Plausible homeopathy - Politics0135 min, englischInhalt / abstract Plausible homeopathy (Dellmour, Politics01) | ||
Medizingeschichte - H0145 min, deutschInhalt / abstract Wiederentdeckt: Hahnemanns Leben in Paris (Klinkenberg, H01) | ||
Special Diagnostic Methods - CM0940 min, englischInhalt / abstract Case Taking explained by means of paraplegic patients with relapsing urinary tract disorders, showing only few homeopathically exploitable symptoms (Keller, CM09/01) Organon §4 and the improvement of the daily homeopathic practice applying Primaristic® (Pfeiffer, CM09/05) | ||
Teaching III - T03100 min, englischInhalt / abstract Proposal for a new way to teach homeopathy (Heiner Frei, T03) | ||
Research IV - R0480 min, englischInhalt / abstract Homeopathic care of patients with spinal cord injury in Switzerland (Pannek, R04/04) Approach to the treatment of patients with infertility by means of classic homeopathy (Osokina) Tolerance limits, self-understanding and stress resilience in the integrative recovery of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (Skrautvol, R04/03) Treating urolithiasis with homeopathy (Mishra, R04/01) | ||
Dialogue: Pain Therapy - DF0790 min, englischInhalt / abstract Pain management in varying degrees of deforming forms of seronegative, seropositive arthritis and osteoarthritis with homeopathy (Tonsey, DF07/01) Role of homeopathy as a palliative treatment in chronic arthritis with deformities (Chatre, DF07/02) Chronic, non-specific back pain – a “difficult” disease? (Scheer, DF07/03) Multimodal pain therapy in the BDH-Clinic Hessisch Oldendorf (Rollnik, DF07/04) | ||
Dialogue: Neurology / Neurologie - DF0890 min, deutsch/englischInhalt / abstract Seit zwanzig Jahren MS – Langzeitverlauf unter ausschließlich homöopathischer Behandlung mit besonderer Betrachtung der Wirkung von Höchstpotenzen in schweren akuten Schüben (Prollius, DF08/01) Family diathetic compatibility in patients with multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica (Mendes, DF08/02) Lachesis and hamamelis – homeopathic alternatives to surgical treatment (Pannek-Rademacher, DF08/03) Multiple Sklerose – aktueller Stand der Behandlungsoptionen (DF08/04) | ||
Hospitals and Networking II - KF0290 min, englischInhalt / abstract Which role does homeopathy play in the project “Integrative Pediatrics” at three children’s hospitals in Germany? (Kruse & Schönauer, KF02/01) Clinical homeopathy treating patients with severe pathologies (Mey, KF02/02) The experience, over thirty-three years, in a homeopathic clinic in a large public hospital (Carillo, KF02/03) | ||
Treatment of Pneumonia – Key Lecture - CM0855 min, englischInhalt / abstract Case management and clinical outcomes from the perspective of evidence-based medicine for homeopathic treatment of patients with pneumonia (Saine, CM08) | ||
Teaching IV - T0460 min, englischInhalt / abstract Teaching palliative care to homeopaths – an essential necessity in Brazil (Haddad, T04/01) Competence based education in homeopathic psychiatry (Patel, T04/02) | ||
Miasm - CM1155 min, englischInhalt / abstract Collaborating in the purest Hahnemannian research, to prescribe, not due to a clinical diagnosis, but relating to the most profound similarity (Loutan & Arbour, CM11/02) Two Plumbum cases, prescription based on the problematic developed by Guy Loutan, in the egotrophic aspect (CM11/03) | ||
Research VII - R0780 min, englischInhalt / abstract Homeopathy in lichen planus – my experiences (Manchanda, R07/01) Geriatrics and homeopathy (Mishra, R07/02) Effectiveness of homeopathic complex medicinal remedies in children with sleep disorders – results of a randomized controlled trial (Klement; R07/05) | ||
Dialogue: Palliative Medicine I - DF0940 min, englischInhalt / abstract The homeopathic treatment of palliative-oncological emergencies as basis for the cooperation in allopathic hospitals (Spinedi, DF09/01) ACHTUNG: Die DVD bricht nach dem Vortrag von Dr. Spinedi ab. Dies ist kein Reklamationsgrund. ATTENTION: The DVD stops playing after the speech of Dr. Spinedi. This circumstance can not be used as a reason to register a complaint. | ||
Difficult Cases I - CM1575 min, englischInhalt / abstract HIV-AIDS (Pagadala, CM15/01) Impact of long term homeopathic treatment on disease progression in ART naive HIV patients – a case series (Charan, CM15/02) THINK OUT OF THE BOX – Application of homeopathic remedias at intensive care patient (Ivanis, CM15/04) | ||
Special Cases - CM1785 min, englischInhalt / abstract The method of the induced pathogenesis of a homeopathic remedy in the modern development of the Hahnemann’s theory of psora (Tiraspolskiy, CM17/01) Clinical case of a child with Down syndrome, severe atopic dermatitis, chronic anemia, hypothyroidism and severe constipation treated with graphites (Rios & Dorneles, CM17/02) What to do for a patient affected by allergic rhinitis? (Maldonado; CM17/04) | ||
Future Research - R0960 min, englischInhalt / abstract Future directions for research in homeopathy – results of an expert meeting (Behnke, R09/01) Is homeopathy really that implausible (Tournier, R09/03) | ||
Q-Potencies - CM1870 min, englischInhalt / abstract Clinical experience and efficacy of Q potency compared with the centesimal scale in the same patients (Pirra, CM18/01) Q-potency: benefits to complete the treatment of centesimal – clinical case with video (Scoccimarra, CM18/02) Hidden treasure of Organon – LM potency (Hussain, CM18/03) | ||
Cases in Research - PR0465 min, englischInhalt / abstract The importance of case reports for modern medicine – cognition-based medicine and case reporting guidelines (Kienle, PR04/01) Networking in medical care: The patient’s perspective in the earlier years – the case of Bettine von Arnim, Berlin (1828 to 1859) (Dinges, PR04/03) | ||
Difficult Cases II - CM1690 min, englischInhalt / abstract Unbelievable but true – a case of osteomyelitis healed by ledum (Potgieter Steiner, CM16/01) Homeopathy in a child with “very severe aplastic anemia” (Schuldt, CM16/02) A case of “rhinorrhea cerebrospinalis” (Kallakuri, CM16/03) Homeopathy in iatrogenic disorders – risk factors, treatment and prevention (Pareek, CM16/04) | ||
Closing Ceremony60 min, englisch/deutsch | ||
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